Week 2: 16/02/22

Feb 16, 2023 5:15 PM

Table of Contents

Outline of lecture content

What makes a well posed problem?

  • solution exists (for at least as long as the prediction is required)
  • the solution is unique
  • the solution depends continuously on the initial condition and model parameters

What is a positively invariant set?

A set YX is positively invariant if x(0)Y implies that x(t)Y for all tT with t>0. (It is negatively invariant if the same is true for all tT with t<0.)


  • Steady state: x, is where f(x)=0
  • Stable: for any ϵ>0 there exists δ>0 such that |x(t)x|<ϵ for all positive tT whenever |x0x|<δ, and unstable otherwise.
  • Asymptotically stable: if it is stable and there exists δ>0 such that |xx|0 as t whenever |x0x|<δ.
  • stable: start close, stay close.
  • asym. stable: start close, converge to steady state.

Time dependent solution

If dxdt=f(x) and f(x0)0, then t=x0x(t)dsf(s)

  • If x(t) is not a steady state, x,then it either tends to a steady state or it tends to ±
  • If the model system is well-posed, then x(t) must either be a steady state solution, x, or strictly monotonic.
Jeremy Worsfold
Jeremy Worsfold
Postdoctoral Fellow

My research interests include Collective Behaviour, speficially swarming models and interacting particles Systems. I also have interests in Reinforcement Learning and Scientific Computing.
